New Bethel Baptist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

New Bethel Children's Ministries

Children are gift from God!
At New Bethel, we put a high priority on our children.

Opportunities to Grow

Studies have shown that kids learn about 10% of what they READ, 20% of what they HEAR, 30% of what they SEE, 50% of what the both SEE & HEAR, 70% of what they DISCUSS but 90% of what they EXPERIENCE.  That's why at New Bethel, we use a curriculum that puts kids IN the lessons they're learning.  They don't just sit and listen; they make things, act out stories, sing songs, build, eat, and play their way to EXPERIENCING God's Word! 

Wednesday Night Hands-On Bible Study

On Wednesdays our children meet in the classrooms section of our campus and start our Hands-On Bible Time.  We have three age levels:  Upper Elementary, Lower Elementary, and Preschool.  Because there are no set grade or age limits, your child can go where he/she is most comfortable. 

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning at 10am, we meet before our Family Worship service to learn about God's Word.  Our Lower Elementary and Pre-K classes are extentions of our Wednesday Night Hands-On Bible Time, but our Upper Elementary class still focuses on different learning styles and experiential learning. 

Children's Sermon

During our Family Worship Service (Sundays at 11), all of the kids have a short message tailored to them.  It's a great time for kids to learn the basics of our faith and really feel like a part of the service. 

Seasonal Outings/Events

In addition to season visits to apple orchards and pumpkin patches, ice cream trips, etc. there are a few annual events that are worth noting:
Hallow Him-Every year, around the end of October, we have an event called "Hallow Him" (Honor God).  It's a little different every year, but usually includes Trunk-n-Treat and Hayrides.  It's a highlight of the Fall for our children.
VBS-The highlight of the summer (and some may say the highlight of the year) is our annual Vacation Bible School.  We always put a huge emphasis on VBS.  Meal every night, dramas, music, games, crafts, etc.  It's so much fun, words can't do it justice.



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